Citroen ID19
In Standard
And Modified
David Phipps
SURGING along at around 80mph in top gear the Citroen
ID19 seems to have all the attributes of a Rolls Royce. Reversing into
a narrow gap in city streets it more closely resembles an out-of-date
lorry. These two extremes give a reasonable idea of the character of a
car which was designed for use on the Continent and has an almost
unrivalled ability to swallow up the miles on a long run but is
unwieldy in heavy traffic (due to heavy steering, high gearing and a 10
ft 3 in wheelbase).
For this reason, and the fact that it has an
“upsidedown” steering column gearchange, the ID19 did not really appeal
to me at first, but once I had got the hang of “winding-it-up” in the
gears (despite the considerable noise entailed) on twisty or busy roads
I really began to appreciate its superb suspension system, which gives
a remarkably comfortable ride and, in conjunction With front wheel
drive, quite incredible roadholding. In the latter connection it is
also noteworthy that the ID is fitted as standard with Michelin X
tyres, to which it is probably better suited than any other car.
Whether on dry roads or in pouring rain the ID will go
round comers quite geometrically at speeds which would never be
contemplated in the majority of conventional saloon cars. It took a
series of swerves on the Thames-side road between Runnymede and Windsor
absolutely flat out, with nothing more than a trace of roll on the
change from one lock to the other, and at speed the rack and pinion
steering was absolutely superb, transmitting virtually no shock from
the road and having a degree of precision normally associated only with
racing machinery.
In addition to cornering almost without roll and running
absolutely straight and true between the bends, the Citroen can be
taken over atrociously rough roads with complete equanimity. On really
vicious hump-backed bridges it is just possible for the long wheelbase
to beat the suspension, but even after a wheel has left the ground the
resultant deflection is completely damped out and the car continues
serenely on its way as if nothing untoward has happened. It is
interesting that the Citroen works at Slough has no cases of suspension
failure on its books, so the all-independent hydropneumatic system must
be assumed to combine the advantages of long life with its other
enviable properties.
As regards performance the ID is probably fast enough
for most people’s needs, with a maximum speed of about 88 mph in top
and 85 in third but on long straights it feels so stable that it would
appear to be very much under powered.
However with a top gear which gives 23 mph per 1000 rpm
there is not
much difference between maximum and cruising speeds, and it is possible
to maintain over 80 mph for as long as road and traffic will allow.
Another important factor is a fuel tank with a range of over 300 miles,
a distance which could be quite easily covered between meals (for car
and occupants) on good Continental roads. For long night journeys,
however, a far more accurate fuel gauge than the one on the test car
would be necessary for most drivers’ peace of mind.
The driving position is of the dining table variety, but
comfortable enough on a long journey, and all the controls except the
hand-brake (hidden away under the facia on the right) are extremely
accessible. The “halo” steering wheel, with its single spoke, provides
a good grip, and the gearchange, once mastered, is among the best of
its type. The brakes — discs at the front, drums at therear — are
excellent, and pedal pressure is at no time excessive.
The headlamps are superb, and have a fantastic range on
main beam,
but with one stalk controlling both lights and horn it is not difficult
to let out an inadvertent blast on a warning instrument which is very
much audible. On the test car there was an excellent ventilation system
but the heater was weak and the windscreen wipers ineffective, although
this may have been due to an oil film on the screen. And on such an
up-to-date car it was odd to find an old-fashioned indicator-lights
switch, situated half way along the facia and very difficult to find in
the dark.
Opinions on the bodywork of the current Citroens seem to
widely, but the fact that the ID will do nearly 90 mph propelled by
only 66 hp, carrying five people and a great deal of luggage, show that
it is undoubtedly functional. Forward visibility is very good, but the
rear windows mist up easily and cannot be reached from the front seats,
and the number of Citroens seen with slightly dented flanks suggest that
the protruding side panels are somewhat vulnerable. The sealing of
doors and windows is extremely good but if a door is opened when it is
raining, water drips on to the seats.
There were some unexpected results in the Monte Carlo
Rally this
year, but 500 miles in an ID 19, most of them in the wet, leave me not
at all surprised that such cars should have taken the first two places
overall, following up this success with further victories in later,
less-publicised events.
Shortly after sampling the standard product I had the
opportunity of trying an ID l9 modified in respect of engine and brakes
by Connaught Engineering,
Portsmouth Road, Send, Surrey.
Alan Brown the firm’s Sales Manager, explained that the
engine was in
what might be termed Stage One tune. Reshaping of cylinder head and
ports proved to give smoother and much quieter running, and a much more
free-revving feel, especially in top gear, while servo-assistance for
the brakes provided reduced pedal pressure and absolutely incredible
stopping power.
It poured with rain all the time I had the car,
performance testing out of the question, but as with the standard model
I felt that stop-watch figures were unimportant when the manner in which
the Connaught-converted ID went, cornered and stopped was taken into
consideration. On the short straights of the by-roads leading back to
Send the speedometer frequently indicated over 80 mph, due largely to
the velocity at which the car could be taken round the corners, and
given a suitable road it would undoubtedly have reached over 90 mph.
The major impression, however, was of the “six-cylinder” feel of this
unit as compared to the standard one, and this alone, for the long
distance driver, could be well worth the £75 which the Connaught
conversion costs.