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The English rear wheel drive models 

The 5HP Type C was sold in the United Kingdom as the 7.5 H.P.

The B2 was called the 11.4 H.P.

Slough-built Citroën 7.5 H.P.
Slough-built Citroën 7.5 H.P.
Slough-built Citroën 7.5 H.P.
Slough-built Citroën 13-30
Slough-built Citroën 13-30
Slough-built Citroën Big 12
Slough-built Citroën Big 12
Slough-built Citroën 12-24
Slough-built Citroën 13-30

Slough-built Citroën 11.4 H.P.
Slough-built Citroën 11.4 H.P.
Slough-built Citroën 11.4 H.P.
Slough-built Citroën advertisement
The AC4 was known as the 13-30 HP and later as the Big Twelve and the AC6 became the Twenty or 2 1/2 litre
Slough-built Citroën Big 12

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© 1997 and 2001 Julian Marsh