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Citroën Car Club DS and SM Rally 2009

The rally was held in Little Horwood, Bucks. in the UK on the 13th and 14th June 2009.

Many thanks to the Rally Team: Guido Guidace, Debbie O'Shea, Hans Staartjes, Alan Kemp, Julia Garside, Kairen Holmes, Barrie Holmes and Richard Gallagher and thanks also to Marcus Carlton, Nigel Wild, Neil O'Shea, Judith Giudice, Andrew Wright and Tony Stokoe.

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Image copyright Tony Stokoe Image copyright Tony Stokoe
The two pictures above of the Tissier transporter with the Décapotable are reproduced with the kind permission of Tony Stokoe.
Late afternoon, we left and drove to Bletchley Park, the WW2 National Codes and Cipher Centre which is only a short distance away and when we left there, we followed one of the cars from the Rally (left)
© 2009 Julian Marsh/Citroënët/Tony Stokoe